ZTE is one of the two major telecommunication equipment suppliers in China. For the consumer market, the company focuses on the mobile phone business. As for the markets of telecom operators and enterprises, the company's business operations cover communications, video communication, cloud computing, WLAN, communication-related power sources. broadband access, wireless products and more. At present, the company's business activities are primarily focused on telecommunications, and the consumer market is its secondary focus. While ZTE has provided equipment to Chinese telecom operators for many years, the company also works with more than 500 telecom operators in more than 100 countries around the world.
Business Info
IndustryTech Products and Equipment
Place of ResidenceChina (incl. Hong Kong)
Market Cap - End of 2022 ($M) 16,587
2021 Revenue ($M)17,761
Rank of 2021 Revenue52
2021 Profit ($M)1,055
Rank of 2021 Profit52